Czech Greyhound Racing News 1/2011

Greyhound "Oscars" - The Golden Greyhound 2010
The Awards of the Golden Greyhound 2010 took place in the KOBE Restaurant, Wenceslas Square - Prague, on the 12th of March 2011. The best czech greyhound racers received the most prestigious awards of the year. The Czech Greyhound Racing Federation is the organizer of the Golden Greyhound Championship and the Golden Greyhound Awards.
Historical article about legendary greyhound White Elbony
Historical article: If you want to know who uses the same racing technique like the former F1 pilot Michael Schumacher from the F1 Ferrari
racing team, have a look at the enclosed pictures.
A visit from the UK at the greyhound race stadium Prague
Today we have showed the Prague greyhound stadium to greyhound friends from UK. As there are many persons interested in the stadium, the investor could organize a "sight-seeing tour" for public.
Funny videos from the greyhound racing world
Links to videos on can be found in the article
The Golden Greyhound 2010
Winners of the championship the Golden Greyhound 2010
Perfect order of finish
News from the incoming e-mails of the Czech Greyhound Racing Federation - Perfect order of finish - jackets no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 - greyhound racing at Palm Beach Kennel Club, Florida USA
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© 2003 Česká greyhound dostihová federace, o. s.

Přepis, šíření či další zpřístupňování tohoto obsahu či jeho částí veřejnosti, a to jakýmkoliv způsobem, je bez předchozího písemného souhlasu výslovně zakázáno. Všechna práva vyhrazena.

Technická správa: Mon Alba