Czech Greyhound Racing News 3/2011

Extra Greyhound Race 2011 - preview
A preview of the Extra Greyhound Race 2011.
Reportage from the Extra Greyhound Race 2011 of the Czech Greyhound Racing Federation will be published soon.
Visit - Multi-purpose sport stadium - Prague Motol
Dne 31.8.2011 se konalo společné shlédnutí postupu výstavby Víceúčelového sportovního stadionu Praha Motol. Návštěvníky stavby byli členové ČGDF - České greyhound dostihové federace, kteří si udělali volné okénko ve svém pracovním čase svého občanského povolání a také VIP osobnosti.
Punk-Rock Greyhound races Czech St. Leger
Reportáž z dalších dostihů ze série závodů greyhoundů Formule CGDF 2011, která se uskutečnila na závodním okruhu Praskačka první zářijovou sobotu. Na punk-rockové chrtí dostihy Czech St. Leger 2011 - Czech Greyhound Racing Federation - přišli také pankáči, rockeři z 80-tých let i hodně staří rockeři, tzv. "rakváči".
Greyhound puppies for sale
Greyhound Company, a.s. can ensure:
import of greyhound puppies from Australia also we can ensure necessary documents: veterinary certificates, international Passport, registration to the Australian Stud Book, etc.
Puppies in Greyhound Schooling Academy
How are Australian puppies which are descendants of Big Daddy Cool and Queen Smig? How are they doing in the Greyhound Schooling Academy in Prague - see photo gallery
The essence of joy at the greyhound racing track
When are spectators laughting to the greyhound that win than greyhound is also laughting at the race track. Mini-story about pure joy at the greyhound races of Czech Greyhound Racing Federation. Photos are in the article.
Greyhounds and snails raced at the race track
The contrast could not be sharper. Symbol of speed - greyhound and a symbol of slowness - snail. Both on the greyhound race track Praskacka. At the races of 15.8.2011 Czech Greyhound Racing Federation called Summer Prix. The accompanying program of greyhound racing were Snail Race World Championship the 2011th.
Descendant of the legendary Big Daddy Cool is celebrating success in Continental Europe in the Czech Republic.
If you want to know who races the same technique as the renowned driving Michael Schumacher, Ferrari's former driver in Formula 1, and the fourth time won the title Champion of Czech Republic in greyhound racing greyhounds look at the attached photo.
Eyes of Sport-model Chanel
Attentive reader cannot miss that the Chanel is smiling during their race. One of images in the article shows that the Chanel, where she is led from catching plenty to "catwalk" with a red carpet like Ferrari cars , she shine from distance. A smile which is from ear to ear even behind the basket racing. You cannot overlook the fact that Chanel, though she is after the sport performance, she looks as if she came out of the beauty salon.
Dior in Greyhound Chateaux Prague
Dior in Ireland:
The sight must toutch perhaps everyone. “Take me away. I want out!” that she says. Come on, buy me, I'm tired of staying here. Buy me finally ...

Dior in Prague ...
Sport stadium with the greyhound race track will be finished by the end of the year
Czech Press Agency - Interview with Ing. Zdenek Grondol, the President of the Czech Greyhound Racing Federation
Summer Prix 2011 - reportage
Reportage from the Summer Prix 2011 and Snail Race World Championship 2011
Offsprings of the australian racing legend in Prague
Offsprings of the australian racing legend Big Daddy Cool finally arrived to Prague. Photoreporters took pictures of the pups and their owners at the airport. Mr. Zdenek Grondol was eager to see the pups so he managed to get even to places that are strictly prohibited for visitors of the Prague-Ruzyne airport
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Technická správa: Mon Alba