Czech Greyhound Racing News 1/2013

The ceremonial raut menu of the Golden Greyhound Awards 2012
The Golden Greyhound Awards 2012 in the Hotel Esplanade Prague ***** 6th April 2013
New term of the final inspection of the Greyhound Park Motol
13 - lucky number – the final inspection of the VSA Motol in the Prague 5 is going to run according to the contructor of the construction in the March 2013, which carry the name Greyhound Park Motol
Greyhound's Birthday No. 2
Greyhound's siblings Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci, Louis a Vuitton have celebrated their second birthday. It has nothing in common with fashion brands but that are young racing greyhounds that came from the Australia to the Czech Republic last year. They are offspring of racing legend Big Daddy Cool - world known TOP stallion and greyhound racer Queen Smig.
Greyhound princesses: Yes! No!
Dior is finally happy for the red curtains with smiling sculls and crossed bones. She is also happy for colourful graffiti. Dior still has arguments about the pink carpet and about carpet’s pattern because she thinks it is a little bit infantile. But this carpet won't be divided in two! She wants to get a tattoo, in fact tattoos. She has already chosen the place where she wants a tattoo.
Fr. Ringo Čech - Golden Dior - Hard Choice
Well known artist - Fr. Ringo Čech painted next picture about greyhounds that is called "Golden Dior - Hard choice“ - picture is given to the well known racing greyhound called NewMac Dior, which take a title of Golden greyhound 2011. The picture of the naive art was pixelated because we haven't planned to present it to the public yet but it will be revealed with ceremony. František Ringo Čech wrote a funny legend about this picture. We can reveal to you: "After Golden Dior winning she told ... I reached the greyhound Olympus there is nothing else to do! ..."
On-line - The Most Beautiful Greyhound
The Golden Greyhound - Design - electronical vote - 1st Liberated Greyhound Exhibition in Bohemia 7th season - this time a bit different. Electronical voting of the most beautiful greyhound in the Czech Republic has started!
Prague Castle on the 1st of January 2013 at 7:30 PM
Traditional New Year's meeting - the President of the Czech Republic Vaclav Klaus and the President of the Czech Greyhound Racing Federation
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Technická správa: Mon Alba