Czech Greyhound Racing News 4/2012

Greyhound PF 2013
Let all dogs have unworried lives - just like Queen Vuitton - a beautiful greyhound queen. All best wishes from the Czech Greyhound Racing Federation
Queen Vuitton & Louis Vuitton
Greyhound Queen Vuitton,
homely named Vuittonka, has got beutiful concern: "Which handbag LV suits me more? "Vuitton" pink colored - to nails or brown colored - to skin?"
Greyhound Race Track Prague in Greyhound Park Motol on 17th November 2012
Reportage from the testing of racing technologies in the Greyhound Race Track in the Greyhound Park Motol
DIOR - new track record - Greyhound Park Motol
Report from testing of racing technology of the multi-purpose sports stadium in Prague on September 29, 2012. Volunteers from the Czech Greyhound Racing Federation helped to the contractor there. Greyhound racer from Ireland NewMac Dior has beaten the previous track record at distances 279 m Sprint at the Greyhound Race Track in the Greyhound Park Motol. Beautiful Catherine and other volunteers tested electro-formula on the Asphalt Race Track of this multi-purpose sports stadium in Prague.
Castle in Motol
UPDATE 8.10.12 - aditional photos and text in the article in Motol Castle: Almost in the middle of forests of Prague, there stands new castle well known as "Grondolák"
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© 2003 Česká greyhound dostihová federace, o. s.

Přepis, šíření či další zpřístupňování tohoto obsahu či jeho částí veřejnosti, a to jakýmkoliv způsobem, je bez předchozího písemného souhlasu výslovně zakázáno. Všechna práva vyhrazena.

Technická správa: Mon Alba